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Common Causes of Truck Accidents


Many road accidents involve trucks. Every day, people get involved in accidents with these massive vehicles. Truck drivers need specialized training and have to adhere to strict federal and state regulations. However, these regulations do not stop truck accidents from happening. Thus, attorneys need to be aware of the unique issues regarding the accidents.


Commercial truck drivers are usually held in high standard than passenger vehicle drivers. Know why this is through the site at The drivers are well trained and need to have medical certificates from the state transport ministry to ascertain their fitness for driving. However, the drivers are also prone to the mistakes that any driver can make on the road. An attorney dealing with a truck accident case should be aware of the higher standards involved in the case.


What Leads to Truck Accidents?


There are a number of errors that can lead to a truck accident. Common errors include:


1. Drugs and Alcohol. Some errant drivers get on the road when using controlled substances or alcohol. Use of these two can lead to impaired vision and judgment, which is dangerous when on the highway.


2. Fatigue. Truck drivers may travel long distances, sometimes interstate, in the course of doing their duties. Fatigue can set in if a driver has not taken enough rest. In case of an accident, the truck company will be held for its driver's actions.


3. Unsecured Loads. Trucking companies are expected to secure their heavy loads to ensure the lives of other road users are not at risk. Failure to do so can result in accidents, and the company may be liable for a crime.


4. Speeding. Truck drivers who ignore state highway speed limits can cause serious accidents to pedestrians and other drivers. You can find many examples on this when you watch news. Speeding is considered abandoning the duty to be reasonably careful on the road.


5. Inadequate Training. Most truck accidents involved drivers that are not well trained or have limited experience on the road. In case of an accident, a truck accident attorney can determine that lack of experience or training may have contributed to actions of the truck driver.


When you are involved in a truck accident, you need a competent attorney to help you with the case. The attorney will use his knowledge and experience in similar cases to determine liability in the case. The attorney will also help you negotiate a settlement with the trucking company or insurance company, depending on whether you are in a fault or no fault state. Should you need further data, just visit website